White noise is a random signal (or process) with a flat power spectral density. In other words, the signal's power spectral density has equal power in any band, at any center frequency, having a given bandwidth. White noise is considered analogous to white light which contains all frequencies.

Who am I?

Neo-hippie cinephile. Follower of the great Jim Morrison who once said "If the doors of perception are cleansed, everything would appear to man as it truly is, infinite."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A BIG Thanku ...

to everyone who voted for my poem Incoherence on poetry.com. They tell me it is a winner and enters the next level of judging, becoming eligible for the 2007 Annual Grand Prize that will be awarded in February.


ad libber said...

Yay-ee :)

Anonymous said...

you are truly born in the sands of time.

BOLO - brain with a hole

Me, myself and Sumant. said...

Arnie Da,
Sorry missed the post, and the vote.. Hope u'll forgive me.

ArSENik said...

@Sumant: Lol...you are forgiven, but only because the poem still made the cut :)